Friday, May 29, 2009

On Battlefields, and the Exiled Zone

An open letter to Wizards of the Coast:

Dear Wizards, or whomever deems this blog worthy of reading,

Please stop fixing things that aren't in need of being fixed.  Instead, could you concentrate on doing something productive, such as fixing the server issues with MoDo, or paying me money to write for you, or something along those lines?
There are much more important things for you to be concerned with than naming the "In Play" zone (look, it already had a name!!!) and the "Removed From the Game" zone (It's also called the RFG Zone, by literally every magic player - thanks for the confusion!) something new, these 15 years into the game's legacy.  We all appreciate you making us sound more like Yu-Gi-Oh players when we're discussing the game, though.  That's awful nice of you.
It's not going to foreshadow the end of the game, so don't think I mean that.  But it is annoying to me, and many other players, that you feel the need to spend time, money, and resources on these ridiculous, frivolous things.

In short, hire me to make all your decisions from here on out, ok?  Thanks.

Love, peace, and chicken grease,


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Holy crap, I get to play!

I'm actually playing Magic this weekend, for the first time in almost a month!

There's a Legacy event on Saturday at Jupiter Games in Vestal, NY.  Winner gets a Lotus, with some other sick prizes being doled out as well.  If you guys are in the area, feel free to stop in, or better yet, join us for the event!  Info can be found here.

I'll be certain to drop a tournament report in, regardless of my performance.  It's Legacy, so I don't plan to do much preparation for the event, other than maybe a few goldfish games to remember what cards do.  Oh, and I'll try not to Force any Demigods this time around.