Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Countdown Begins

Hey all.

Tomorrow (Thursday the 4th) I've got an article coming out on StarCity about GP Chicago.  It's a brief summary of some rules and interactions that are probably going to show up in one or more rounds of play throughout the event, so it might be worth it to check the article out.  There's even a handy dandy link to the site over to your left.  No, down a little.  There you go.

There's about 35 hours remaining until I board up onto the train and set off for Chicago.  I'm beginning to get antsy - work is taking forever to drag by, and I'm having a hard time focusing on anything but Magic.  You know how it goes.  The day before is always the worst.  Tomorrow I've got a boring ass meeting all afternoon, so at least I can be bored legitimately, and not just sit at my desk thinking about how to sideboard against Merfolk.  By the way, I've decided on my deck.

We had a testing session last night at my place.  It was a pretty solid crew of 7 or 8 guys testing our decks against each other, with some other tier decks in there as well.  My personal testing went well - honestly better than I expected, and I've got to say I'm much more comfortable with my deck choice now than I was two weeks ago.  Especially the sideboard I've worked out.  I'm pretty stoked on that part, actually.  I'd love to share it with you, especially since the chances of any of my potential opponents reading this blog is basically zero, but as I've linked to it in the SCG article, that potential might actually increase to "unlikely!"  So, you'll have to wait until I start updating from Chicago, which I have yet to figure out how I'll do, but rest assured there will be updates.

On a personal note, Zach, don't forget to give Matt my cards tonight.  Jerk.


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