So the Turboland list didn't work out. As it turns out, the idea was a cool one, but there are so many cards you need to assemble to get the engine running, that it's almost impossible to do while your opponents are stopping you - and if you don't get them together, your deck is a pile of garbage. It's also another Solitaire deck - you aren't playing with your opponent as much as trying to get to the point where you play alone. My friends are pretty bored with that type of deck - the "let me know when you win" kind. Since I've already got the Azami deck for that, I figure its time to make one where I play dudes and attack. So, my next attempt will be to make a W/G Samurai/Spirit deck featuring almost 60 Legendary Permanents, with Captain Sisay as my General. We'll see how that goes.
By the way, I've been meaning to mention how I crank out so many decks without much effort. If you use to copy and paste card images into a 3x3 matrix in MSPaint, it's a pretty quick way to make accurate proxies. For casual formats like EDH, it's worthwhile to do this before you buy cards. You don't want to be sixty cards into a deck and find out it sucks.
In Extended news, Elves is retarded. We were testing a GWR Slide deck, which should have had plenty of game against it, since it plays 1/1s, but Elves is so frigging good that we couldn't beat it anyway. I'm pretty amazed at the resiliancy of the deck in the face of hate. It can go from no board to winning in a single turn. Impressive, to say the least.
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